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Gratitude, Holding On to Hope, and Oprah

Writer: Niro FelicianoNiro Feliciano

Happy Holidays! It’s official, and the season is upon us. Did the season catch you off guard as it did me? Is the anxiety starting to rise as you wonder, “How is it all going to get done?” My mantra this time of year has not changed: one day at a time. Focus not only on what you can do today, but also on what you can enjoy today. Let’s not let this holiday pass by without taking it in. Maybe it’s a 20-minute walk listening to holiday music or reading a chapter of a good book (see recommendation below) or lighting your favorite candle and catching a few moments of peace in the morning to breathe. I’ll be talking about how to have a more meaningful holiday on the 3rd hour of the TODAY show next week Wednesday, December 11, around 9:40 am.


Gratitude Practice

What I do know is that if you can carry gratitude through the season, not only will it change the way you experience the season, it will change you. Take three minutes while you make your coffee in the morning to jot down three things that were good yesterday in a journal. Do it before you go to bed to reflect on your day. 


For more on how to fit gratitude into your life and the benefits of gratitude, check out my last segment for TODAY here

Meeting Oprah

Ok…so last week felt like a dream for a few days. I had the opportunity to meet Oprah and participate in the taping of her new book club pick, Small Things Like These by Claire Keegan. If you are looking for a short holiday read about curiosity, empathy and living out genuine faith based on a true story, this beautifully written story is it.


What I have not spoken about is how this opportunity happened. Here's the incredible backstory:


I received a random email inviting me to be a part of this group. They had never seen me anywhere; I just happened to be on a subscriber list to one of Oprah’s sites. This was a random, regional selection. I accepted the invite and had an interview with the producer, and subsequently they chose a question that I submitted for me to ask from a therapist’s perspective. 


Why this was so significant to me was not just because I have watched and respected Oprah for most of my life, but also because in March of 2019 I received a prophetic word from someone I didn’t know telling me that I would meet her one day. At that time I had just started speaking for larger audiences but had no TV experience and no book in the works. It was a word out of nowhere. That person has become a good friend who has reminded me of this word over the last few years. God showed up for me in so many little ways that day to let me know He was in this, including a rare opportunity to give Oprah my book and thank her for the conversations she has had that are reflected in its pages. This was a day that I could never have imagined, yet one that God orchestrated in truly a miraculous way. 


I write more about my experience here in these posts:

In this season of hope and expectation, I want to encourage you that God hears the prayers you are praying. It may take a little while to answer, but hold on to that hope. I received a clear answer that day, and I am praying that you receive yours, too. 


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