“The world is full of magical things, patiently waiting for our senses to get sharper.” W.B. Yates
Happy Holidays! You made it not just to Friday, but nearly to the end of 2024! For many of you, with the year that you’ve had, that is an accomplishment worth celebrating.
As I mentioned in my holiday segment for the Today Show, my mantra this season is “Connection over Perfection.” Those three words enable me to hold on to perspective as I go through my to-do list this season, and they help me to let go of the things that get in the way of what we know is the most important thing (and what we will remember in the end)—relationships.
I offer more simple ways to have a more meaningful holiday here.

Simple Joy
I know many of you make the magic happen in your homes and for your families. But are you experiencing the joy of this season? I want that for you. One way that I have found to slow time down this month is to plan small moments of joy. That means I take a walk with a friend once a week, and I wake up early for a few moments of stillness, prayer, and gratitude by the light of my tree, and sometimes I just curl up for a few minutes on my couch with a cozy blanket to give myself a few moments to rest. Joy can be that simple. What is it for you?
We do have to slow down this season, and one other way to do this is to take mental snapshots. When those moments arrive that you look forward to—kids opening presents, holiday concerts, Christmas Eve dinner, the winter break trip—pause for just a moment and take it in. Who is there? Look at their faces, slow your breath, feel what you are feeling in that moment. Then look around and take a snapshot. We can slow time down once in a while, and when we do, we will remember that moment for years to come.
Holiday Mess
Lastly, holidays can be messy. Lonely, emotional, full of drama. I offer a few tips on managing holiday drama for PIX 11:

I am reminded each year, for those of us who celebrate Christmas, that the first holiday was messy, too. Full of unplanned events, unmet expectations, and disappointment... yet this was the emotional backdrop of the greatest miracle that ever happened. In scripture, miracles always emerge from the mess.
Today, no matter how messy your life may be, I am believing that your miracle is possible. It may look different than you expect. Maybe that miracle is peace in the center of the storm, or an assurance that good things await you and your family in your future. In the midst of your mess, I am praying that, if you are reading this, you would receive exactly what you need in this season. That even in the heaviness your heart may feel light at times and there would be enough moments of simple joy that carry you through.
Thank You
Lastly, thank you for your constant support, encouraging messages, and being a part of this community. Know that I am so very grateful to do life with you.

From my family to yours, wishing you a holiday full of simple joy and meaningful connection.
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